EXOS Off Season Training Survey

WDV Athletics is excited to continue our partnership with UCLA Health Sports Performance which has been providing off-season sports training for our student-athletes. To help the design and set up of the classes, we are asking students to complete the survey below. If you have any questions please contact WDV athletic director D.R. Moreland dmoreland@davincischools.org.

EXOS Off Season Training Survey


By |2021-08-18T21:17:42-07:00August 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on EXOS Off Season Training Survey

Athletic Clearance Open For 21-22 Season

Students and Parents,

The athletic clearance is now open for the 21-22 sports season. Each student and their parents must register for the upcoming 21-22 season. Registration must be completed before an athlete can participate in practices or games. Please be sure to check all the sports you will be participating in this season. Click the athletics link to get to the athletics home page. The registration links are on the right hand side. If you have any questions please contact the athletic director D.R. Moreland at dmoreland@davincischools.org.

Go Wolves!

By |2021-06-30T20:35:43-07:00June 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletic Clearance Open For 21-22 Season
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