Soccer Playoff Info

Girls soccer Friday May 14th at Palm Springs High School start time 5pm

Boys soccer Saturday May 15th vs. Pasadena Poly at Juan de Anza Elementary start time 5pm

By |2021-05-25T20:47:43-07:00May 14th, 2021|Soccer|Comments Off on Soccer Playoff Info

Boys Soccer & Basketball Tryouts

Our Boys Soccer and Basketball teams are holding workouts and tryouts for the Spring! The schedule for the rest of the week and Spring Break is as follows:

Boy’s Soccer:
  • Tryouts continue: Friday, April 2 – Juan de Anza Elementary 4-6 PM
For more info about Boy’s Soccer, please contact Coach Reyes or Coach Garcia.
Boy’s Basketball:
  • Friday, April 2: 9th and 10th grades & new player tryout 4-6 PM at outdoor courts at 201 N. Douglas.
  • April 6-9: Outdoor practices at the outdoor courts at 201 N. Douglas for Varsity and JV with continued tryouts. 11th and 12th grade 11-1 and 9th and 10th grades 1-3 PM.
Due to the short notice, Coach Amaral will consider evaluating athletes post Spring Break as long as it is communicated with him that you will need an alternate time to tryout. For Boys Basketball, please join the Remind app for the latest information. Contact Coach Amaral for additional info.
Go Wolves!
From the desk of: 
Tori Grafeman
Interim Athletics Director
By |2021-04-02T02:38:15-07:00April 1st, 2021|Basketball, Soccer|Comments Off on Boys Soccer & Basketball Tryouts
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